K.P. Yohannan (4)

Missionary service is based on intimate resting in God. Only as we rely on God to do the work is the task accomplished-for it is not our work, but His!Come lets reach the World (93)

1.5K      2012-07-07     0
The Great Commission, repeated five times in the Gospels and Acts, stresses preaching and teaching as the main activities of the first missionaries. Obviously, social action and compassionate ministries should not deviate us from the priority of preaching the Gospel and calling sinners to repentance.Come, Lets reach the world (73)

1.5K      2012-07-05     0
The Great Commission is not a mandate for political liberation. Disciple making is not charity, although it may involve charity part of the time. So, although we as individuals and local churches must speak out and be involved in the work of reconciliation and compassion, that doesn't mean we should call it 'missions'.Come, Lets Reach the World

1.5K      2012-07-05     0

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